You are welcome!
Experience the unique fusion of Mölkky spirit and Austrian charm at the 9th Mölkky European Championship Outdoor!
Main Event, 11.-12-07.2025
- Groups
- Champions-Race (Games best of 5)
- B-Tournament
- Last Chance
- Live Score online
- Livestreams
- Fee 75€/Team
- 96 Teams maximum
- 3(+1) player/Team
Warm Up, 10.07.2025
- Single tournaments!
- "King of Europe 2025"
- 96 players maximum (male)
- Groups & KO-games
- Live Score online
- Livestreams
- "Queen of Europe 2025"
- 32 players maximum (female)
- Groups & KO-games
- Live Score online
- Livestreams
- Fee 10€/player
Nationscup, 11.07.2025
- Groups
- KO-games
- 16 Nations maximum
- Live Score
- 6 player/Nation
- Livestreams
- No fee!